Medicine without side effects and with quality of life for them, always
Medicine for years like everything advances and transforms.

For centuries, Chinese masters have understood in the East that the "Being", regardless of the body in which it is found, deserves to be treated as a "Whole", a broader vision of being, of the animal.

Veterinary medicine and society have understood that animals are also a fundamental axis in today's society and in the family, that they are sentient beings and that by living with us, they reflect our energies, their own and that they are more than a physical body, are emotional, spiritual and mental body.

They cannot continue to be treated as a univector pathology and administering medications that only cover but do not explain the origin of the disease; but on the contrary, they are a complex network of integrated systems that by understanding it, we can improve, discover and understand how to reach the balance of their bodies, having a wonderful effect of improving their physical health, improving their chronic pain and increasing their quality of life. life to accompany us for many years.

At CEVEMI we understand that health is comprehensive, that treating it should be a matter of multiple approaches, that it is easier if it is treated from love and that it is better if there are no side effects.

That is why we integrate multiple therapies and modern and ancient medical tools in order to recover the physical and mental health of our patients and their families.

Moquillo canino
Se trata de una enfermedad aguda o subaguda, contagiosa, febril y muchas veces fatal con manifestaciones respiratorias, gastrointestinales, urogenitales, oculares y del sistema nervioso central. Está causada por el virus del moquillo canino (VMC).