An approach to the emotions, mind, soul and spiritual body of animals

CEVEMI bases its services on the concept of Integrative Medicine that combines traditional scientific medicine with complementary or alternative medicine, also known as integrated medicine or integrative health.

“We are just like them (the animals), more than a 'physical body or an affected organ'; they are also emotions, mind, soul and spiritual body and if we understand this, we will find their sanction and improve their quality of life” says Dr. Angelica Ruales, veterinary doctor and founder of CEVEMI.

It is understood that the patient may suffer from one or more diseases as a result of physical, emotional, mental and energetic imbalances and therefore integrative medicine seeks to find "non-invasive" methods to return the patient to their natural balance and restore their health or keep it longer.

In integrative medicine, the traditional approach is important, which is why all our consultations go through the specialty of internal medicine. A complete clinical examination is performed by systems focusing on the life stage, medical history and anamnesis together with the reason for consultation of each patient. In addition to traditional medicines, CEVEMI complements treatments with aromatherapy, Reiki Therapy, bioregulatory medicines, among others. 

About Dr. Angelica Ruales M.

Veterinary Medicine of the University of La Salle 

  • Master in Veterinary Sciences with emphasis in Internal Medicine and Surgery in small animals from the University of La Salle.

  • Especialista en Medicina Interna en pequeños animales de la Universidad de la Salle.

  • Diplomado en Medicina Biorreguladora Veterinaria con la International University of South Florida y la Professional Leadership Academy.

  • Terapeuta Reiki Usui Shijo Ryoh Humano-Animal.

  • Radiestesista.

  • Aromaterapeuta. 

Con más de 10 años de experiencia en la atención de perros y gatos en consulta y clínica privada, entendió desde temprano durante el desarrollo de su ejercicio profesional que no se debe tratar ni entender un paciente como una «patología» sino como seres más complejos y que merecen ser vistos y comprendidos desde su organismo, mente, espíritu, alma y emociones ya que son también parte de nuestras familias y como tal debemos atenderlos.

Lo que mi perro o gato me quieren enseñar a través de su enfermedad
Nuestros compañeros de vida animal, son maestros increíbles de vida. ¿Por que lo afirmo?